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Friday, December 22, 2006

First Notes on London

Pedestrian crossings

I press the button, but take the opportunity to cross before the light turns green. A line of cars queues up in front of the zebra crossing, frozen by the red light even though there are no pedestrians near the crossing.

Crazy christenings

An ethnically Indian grocery boy struggles to put a box on the top shelf. His name tag reads: Stalin.

Masters of the universe

Homeless people distributing The Big Issue have obviously realised that at Christmas, competition is fierce.

Two of my favourite sales pitches:

"The Big Issue, the ideal Christmas present... for someone you don't really like."


"Buy The Big Issue so I can pay my butler!"


London is arguably the best location in the world for eavesdropping.

Barely pipping the riveting political discussion on the US's relations with OPEC countries I overheard today, this one between two little girls was pretty special:

"So if you had to get rid of a bomb, where would you put it?"

"I'd put it really really deep in the ground."

"But then it would go off and it would kill all the earthworms."



"Well, that wouldn't do, would it?"

Die twee socialy conscious meisies is fantasties. Peace-loving EN environmental. Wow.
Blogger gm  

"Now that wouldn't do, would it?"
Haha, classic.

Ek sou maar vir Stalin gehelp het as ek jy was, jy weet nooit...karma en al daai goed...
Blogger henno  

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