Sunday, June 11, 2006
Habitation: People can get used to anything
Hey guys. I'm going to show you my room. I'd rather you'd not freak out about it, but that may be unavoidable. It's pretty damn unsightly.
The thing is, I hate a dirty room as much as the next penguin. I don't go rolling in grime everyday because I like it. Cleaning up is just... a schlep, and the dirtier it gets, the more of a schlep it becomes.
However, so that you never again will have to witness such horrors as these, I'm setting Tuesday as Clean Up/Incenerate Everything Day. Let us proceed.
Open the door to my room,
who knows what we shall find?
it has its own buffalo skull and everything...
My closet, complete with dishes and unseen skeletons:
My laundry pile in the early afternoon sun:
Everyone's got to eat:
I don't know what that is.
Unensils, microwaves, forks. Russia?
I had fun taking this:
Skielik voel ek nie meer so sleg oor die state van my eie kamer nie. Ek moet bieg: daar is enkele ooreenkomste tussen jou koshuiskamer van 2006 en jou koshuiskamer van 1999. Some things never change. And that's a good thing. Dankie vir die toer deur jou hool
'n mens raak beter met tyd. terwyl ek nog op skool was kon 'n mens omtrent nie in my kamer loop nie omdat daar so baie hopies boeke en papiere orals op die grond rondgestaan het. dit fassineer my steeds hoe lank 'n mens eintlik in 'n hool kan bly. maar noudat ek bietjie op my eie bly lyk my plek selde meer so rof; ek kry seker te skaam vir as daar mense kom kuier :-)
Ek het nog nie die punt bereik waar ek skottelgoed in my hangkas bêre nie. Verder lyk my flat net so.
Bloody hilarious! Mr Gunther. Hahaha.
Die "laundry pile in the early afternoon sun" lyk so... tuis. A place to call one's own. Ek sien vanaand dat daar 'n hideous(ly) kinky-pienk handdoek die komposisie gejoin het. Hoe seker is jy dat jy Dinsdag gaan haal?
En: Oranje boven!
um.. isnt that the generic "student room" you displayed there?
kewl computer!
you are very brave to put this out there. What is next to the coin? Kinda looks like cat barf.
I hate cleaning. I'd much rather read, write, blog, play - anything, really. :-P
I like the computer that goes on forever. I hear if you leave a laundry pile in the sun long-enough it will become fresh and clean again. And if it's already clean, it will fold itself and put itself away. I keep testing that latter theory, but it hasn't worked yet. :-/
Mr. Gunther kinda weirds me out.
I don't know why it is, but bloglines doesn't tell me when you blog has been updated. This is why I haven't visited you in ages. I'M SORRY!
Cool room...
Karen Little
Hoochie mama, my room is a pigsty! But I guess it's just messy. I vaccuum and that kind of stuff, and I pick things up every so often.
You look like you manage to keep the possessions to a minimum. Thursday, maybe, I'll go to Goodwill & drop off some clothes. I have waaaay too many
1. high-heeled shoes
2. CDs
3. books.
But y'know, I hate cleaning my room almost as much as I hate paying bills. Both seem like a complete waste of time and a drag, to boot.
My goodness. That's a mess, to be sure.
It seems like every res in the world except Rhodes' ones allows residents to cook in their rooms. We're not even allowed to boil a kettle in our rooms (but I do it anyway - yeah)! My sister at Pretoria has a fridge and a microwave. And I have to have Cremora with my morning coffee. Ah well.
i would say your room is bad, but then again mine has been known to be way worse! I usually cant find my not joking bout that...
life of being
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